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Tips on How to Clean Bathroom Tiles| Dettol India

Discover effective tips on how to clean bathroom tiles for a sparkling and hygienic space. Click here to achieve a germ-free environment with Dettol India

Tips on How to Clean Bathroom Tiles

A bathroom experiences a lot of traffic over the course of a day. It is a damp space, so it often makes for an ideal breeding ground for mould and fungus. Also, your bathroom space can harbour harmful bacteria and dirt on its floor and wall tiles. Dirt, spots and stains on the bathroom tiles can also ruin the appearance of your bathroom. The grout between the tiles also attracts quite a bit of dirt and dust. Hence, regularly cleaning your bathroom floor tiles becomes essential to ensure they are clean, hygienic, germ-free, and always looking their best. This article will cover step-by-step instructions for cleaning bathroom floor tiles, how to remove common stains and grouts on bathroom tiles and also discuss effective products to use for long-lasting cleanliness.

General tips on Cleaning Bathroom Floor Tiles

Step by step process of cleaning bathroom tiles

This can be divided into two steps-

Step 1: - Cleaning of Bathroom Wall Tiles

Start by first prepping the walls of the bathroom wall tiles. For this, run a hot shower. The vapours from the hot water will aid in loosening the grime on the bathroom tiles. Now to clean your bathroom wall tiles, mix ½ cup of baking soda and ½ cup of lemon juice into ½ bucket of warm water. Mix all the ingredients well to create a cleaning solution. Use a sponge to scrub this solution all over the tiles. Once the solution spreads over the entire surface, let it rest for about 5 minutes. After this, use a clean wet sponge to wipe clean.

Post-cleaning the bathroom wall tiles, follow up with disinfection. Use a suitable disinfectant spray like Dettol disinfectant Spray to kill germs and leave behind a pleasant fragrance.

Step 2: - Cleaning Bathroom Floor Tiles

For cleaning bathroom floor tiles, a good step to begin with is to run a vacuum cleaner on the floor to remove loose dirt and dust. You can also make use of the vacuum cleaner for the wall tiles. Start from the area that is away from the bathroom door and slowly work your way towards it. After you complete cleaning the wall tiles, you must clean the floor tiles. You can also sweep the bathroom tiles, but a vacuum cleaner will help clean stray hair strands and loose threads in a jiffy. After this, you can mop the bathroom floor with an effective cleaning agent. Now you can disinfect the floor with a suitable disinfectant floor cleaner like Dettol, which kills germs.


How to Clean Bathroom Tile Stains

Mix ½ cup of water and ½ cup of vinegar for spot-treating stains on bathroom tiles and create a solution. Pour this solution into a spray bottle and apply to the stain. Scrub with a toothbrush and then wash with water. For hard water stains on tiles, use salt. Salt has disinfectant properties and can kill gems too. Always ensure that the stained area is wet before cleaning it with salt. Generously sprinkle salt on the stained portion and leave it for an hour. After that, scrub away the salt gently with a scrubber. Most of the stain would have gone by now. For the remaining stain, use the water and vinegar solution.

Cleaning Grout

Grout refers to the area in between the tiles. Dirty grout mars the appearance of the tiles and also traps bacteria and germs. Hence cleaning the bathroom grouting is essential. The porous nature of grout results in it trapping more moisture and dirt particles. The best way to clean it is to spray liberal amounts of an effective bathroom cleaning solution. Prepare the solution by mixing 1 cup of white vinegar with 1 cup of water. Mix the solution well and apply it to the bathroom grouting. Wait for 15-20 minutes for it to settle. After that, scrub off the solution with an old toothbrush. Rinse off with plain water and dry the tiles with a microfiber cloth.

Eliminating the Mould

Mould is a kind of fungus that grows in moist conditions. As your bathroom is damp, the chance of mould growing here is higher. Most of the time, mould is non-toxic; however, cleaning it as soon as you spot it is recommended. If ignored, it multiplies in a short span of time. After cleaning the bathroom tiles, knowing how to keep your bathroom tiles mould-free is essential. Pour 1 cup of vinegar into a spray bottle without adding water. Now spray the vinegar directly on the mould-infested spots and let it rest for 1 hour. Now wipe the entire area clean with a cotton cloth. Just wipe the tiles with a dry cloth to prevent further mould from growing after a bath. This will cut down the moisture in your bathroom by nearly 50%. Also, switch on the exhaust fan and leave it for at least 20 minutes after using the shower.

Maintaining Tiles

Replacing bathroom tiles can be expensive. However, with some effort, you can maintain the shine and aesthetics of the bathroom tiles for a long time. Break up the tasks into smaller chores and spread them over a week. Also, dirty tiles can lead to the spread of disease-causing germs. Hence treat your tiles with an effective disinfectant like Dettol  at least twice a week. Always remember to keep your bathroom well-ventilated to avoid moisture build-up. If your bathroom has windows, you can open them to allow air circulation.


Key Takeaways

Regularly clean bathroom tiles to maintain their cleanliness, hygiene and appearance. Also, focus on removing stains from bathroom tiles by spot-treating them using vinegar and water or salt for hard water stains. Follow a step-by-step process of cleaning wall tiles, floor tiles and grout. Promptly addressing mould with undiluted vinegar will help keep germs and bacteria at bay. You can simplify the process of maintenance of tiles by using effective disinfectants, keeping the bathroom well-ventilated and breaking up cleaning tasks over a week. Regular cleaning of tiles prevents the spread of germs and ensures that the tiles look their best. It’s a good idea to prioritize ventilation, wipe tiles dry and permit air ventilation for moisture control. Following these tips will ensure long-lasting cleanliness and minimizes tile replacements as well.

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